Feats Breath Total
Kills / Deaths
Kills 445 566
Angels Killed 9 18
Transcended Killed4343
Demons Killed 268 298
Minibosses Killed 00
Pets Killed 354 397
Deaths 81 176
Damage / Healing
Damage Dealt 35699 46698
Damage Taken 14168 25651
HP Healed 2922 18031
Items Crafted 0 1
Items Repaired 12 54
Infusion 2164 2164
Spells Cast 0 0
Buffs Granted 0 0
Debuffs Inflicted 0 0
Search & Consume
Alcohol Drunk 60 113
Food Eaten 27 77
Books Read 553 2054
Pills Taken 77 113
Targets Shot 0 0
Items Found 925 925
Magical Items Consumed 0 0
Engineering & Lockpicking
Doors Destroyed 513
Doors Repaired 0 1
Power Removed 1 1
Power Restored 544 544
Locks Picked 0 0
Lore Found 50
Total Achievements 5

Jackie Venkman

Level: 30 (D Degree)
Classes: Revenant Myrmidon Mortal
Operator in All Your Souls
Physical Description:
This woman's skin has turned an ashen grey color and she appears to have no body fat. Her eyes are a deep, blood red, and a faint odor of dirt exudes from her body. She is wearing a Pair of Black High-Heeled Shoes, a Pair of Sunglasses, and a Grey Fedora.
Personal Description:
Character Skills
Engineering (Wiki)
First Aid (Wiki)
Surgery (Wiki)
Hide (Wiki)
Advanced Hide (Wiki)
Melee Combat (Wiki)
Advanced Melee Combat (Wiki)
Expert Melee Combat (Wiki)
Sense Morality (Wiki)
Strength (Wiki)
Stamina (Wiki)
Combat Mastery (Wiki)
Combination Attack (Wiki)
Combination Adept (Wiki)
Combination Master (Wiki)
Improved Combinations (Wiki)
Perfect Combinations (Wiki)
Enhanced Senses (Wiki)
Focused Attack (Wiki)
Healthy Body (Wiki)
Day Walker (Wiki)
Shadow of the Bat (Wiki)
Animus of the Bat (Wiki)
Shadow of the Dust (Wiki)
Animus of the Dust (Wiki)
Eye of Death (Wiki)
Umbral Sword (Wiki)
Strength of Darkness (Wiki)
Blood Frenzy (Wiki)
Badges Earned:
A Colder War, A Heaven of Hell, A New Chapter, Alcoholic, All In The Family, All Stitched Up, Apprentice Electrician, Arc Welder, Aspect Hunter, Assassin, Bibliophile, Bloodletter, Bloodlines, Bodyweaver, Bookworm, Bruised, Buried, Cassandras Truth, Circuitmaker, Cleanser, Club Feral, Cognitive Dissonance, Common Touch, Convenient, Critic, Cromahl-Hult, Crushed, Crusher, Deluge, Delver, Demonslayer, Disciple of Death, Divine Comedy, Doctor, Dogkiller, Earth Was Like a Marble, Effervescence, Enforcer, Enthroned, Eresius Rest, Eternal I Endure, Exterminator, Family Fun, Fatigued, Favored of Baraas, First Responder, Flakes of Delight, Flushed!, Forget All That, Fought the Law, Frat Boy, Fusemaker, Going Up, Gourmand, Grandest of Slams, Hammer of Light, Harmonious Joining, Healer, Hear Ye!, Hole in None, Homesteader, I Have a Headache, Immutable Law, In Memoriam, Iron Juggernaut, Journeyman Electrician, Kenopsia, Killer, Landfall, Librarian, Living the High Life, Love Eternal, Low Tolerance, Made to Last, Master of Death, Medic, Mender, No Longer Boarding, Not a Drill, Not Safe, Opportunity Knocks, Out of the Ash, Overeducated, Paradise Lost, Perverter, Pest Control, Pill-popper, Pro Claimer, Proofreader, Punching Bag, Reader, Researcher, Riptide, Rising Tide, Scavenger, Scholar, Shades of Grey, Sincerest Flattery, Skipping Stones, Smasher, Surgeon, Tainted Fruit, Taste of Dried Leaves, Taste Tester, Teachers Pet, The Little King, The Nether Millstone, They Shall Not Pass, This Place is Not a Place of Honor, Those Lost, Tinker, Trading Places, True Blue, Two Guns, Under The Boot, View from the Top, Warrior, Wellspring, Whole Dome, Wild in the Woods, With Great Power, Wormfood

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Original Nexus War classes, powers, and lore copyright 2003 - 2010 Brandon Harris (bharris@gaijin.com), used with permission.

Site homepage artwork copyright 2017 Acaisha Buffo (www.deviantart.com/akithefrivolicious).

Raid ticker icons by Lorc (lorcblog.blogspot.com/) and Delapouite (delapouite.com) at game-icons.net .

Skill, spell, and other icons by: AvgustaLina, SmallANIKI, N-Hance Studios, Poneti, WenRexa, and CraftPix.net, used under licenses acquired through gamedevmarket.net, assetstore.unity.com, itch.io, and craftpix.net .

Pet icons produced and published by Megatiles with artist credits to Kodots Games Studio.