Level: 30 (J Sphere) Classes: Holy Champion Paladin Mortal
Champion in The Nexal Crusaders
Physical Description:
This being is a shimmering butterfly - about the size of a human hand - made of innumerable blazing motes of light. Occasionally, the motes scatter and form back into their butterfly shape. His face is wreathed in halo of golden light. His face occasionally morphs into that of a great eagle and back. His face sporadically contorts into that of an ox and back.
Personal Description:
One of four siblings, Kandarin can be described in many ways. The Nexal Crusade has called him to war against Stygia, which has led to greater and deeper mysteries.
A Curse Upon Ye, A Heaven of Hell, A New Chapter, Academic Probation, According to Their Works, Alcoholic, All In The Family, All Stitched Up, All Stitched Up, And I Must Scream, Apex Predator, Apprentice Electrician, Archmage, Artisan, Aspect Hunter, Assassin, At All Costs, Baraas Ascends, Barn Assassin, Bibliophile, Big Bad Wolf, Binge Drinker, Birthing Pool, Blighter, Bloodbreaker, Bloodletter, Bloodletter, Bloody Mayhem, Bodyweaver, Bonebreaker, Book of Martyrs, Bookworm, Booster, Broken Alliance, Broken Promises, Bruised, Bruised, Bruiser, Buried, Carousel Casualty, Cassandras Truth, Cemetery Monopolist, Circuitbreaker, Circumnavigation, Citadel, City Planner, Cleanser, Clinging to Life, Cloudwatching, Club Feral, Coffinmakers Friend, Cognitive Dissonance, Color Guard, Common Touch, Constantly in Traction, Convenient, Cops and Robbers, Crushed, Crushed, Crusher, Crusher, Curse of the Pharaohs, Deader than Dead, Deadeye, Dedicated Few, Delver, Demonslayer, Director of Animal Testing, Disaster Magnet, Disciple of Death, Divine Comedy, Doctor, Dogkiller, Dunes of Dust, Eagle Eyed, Earth Was Like a Marble, Effervescence, Eminent Domain, Endemic, Enforcer, Enthroned, Eternal I Endure, Everlasting Rehab, Every Mountain Made Low, Exorcist, Explosive Yield, Exterminator, Extinction Event, Factory Foreman, Fall of the Watcher, Family Fun, Farseer, Fatality, Fatigued, First Responder, Fixer, Flag Warden, Flakes of Delight, Flushed!, Food Critic, Forget All That, Fought the Law, Four Corners, Fragmented Return, Frat Boy, Friend of Bill, Frost Fighter, Fusebreaker, Fusemaker, Gastronomist, Glutton, Going Up, Gourmand, Grandest of Slams, Gravemaker, Great Affliction, Great Devourer, Great Leveler, Guinea Pig Herder, Gunshepherd, Gunslinger, Halls of the Scholar, Halls of Wrath, Hammer of Light, Handyman, Harbinger of Extinction, Head in the Clouds, Healer, Hear Ye!, Hell is Other People, Hemophiliac, Herd Thinner, Hickok, High Roller, Homesteader, I Have a Headache, I Stab at Thee, Idle Hands, Immutable Law, Impervious to Pain, In Memoriam, In The Name Of Science, Institute of Arts, Into the Dark, Iron Juggernaut, Jerry Rigger, Journeyman Blacksmith, Journeyman Electrician, Justicebringer, Keeping Healers in Business, Kenopsia, Killer, Landfall, Last Confession, Librarian, Lich Pet, Lifesaver, Living the High Life, Love Eternal, Low Tolerance, Made to Last, Mage, Malaise, Master of Death, Masticator, Medic, Mender, Micro Manager, Monster Addict, Mystic, Nexmas Spirit 2015, No Longer Boarding, Not a Drill, Not Safe, Omen, Opportunity Knocks, Oracle, Organ Grinder, Out of the Ash, Overeducated, Panacea, Perseverence of the Saints, Perverter, Pest Control, Pill-popper, Plaguebringer, Pro Claimer, Punching Bag, Punching Bag, Reader, Reaper, Reasons to Live, Receded Waters, Remorse, Researcher, Riptide, Rising Tide, Rory Williams, Scavenger, Shape of Things to Come, Sharpshooter, Sinatra, Sincerest Flattery, Skipping Stones, Slave to the Habit, Smasher, Smasher, Spellbinder, Standard Bearer, Stolen Victory, Surgeon, Surgeons Lament, Sweatshop Worker, Tainted Fruit, Tapestry of Time, Taste of Dried Leaves, Taste Tester, Teachers Pet, Thaumaturgist, The Earth Shudders, The Legend, The Little King, The Nether Millstone, The Rise of Kafa-El, The Voice, They Shall Not Pass, This Place is Not a Place of Honor, Those Lost, Tinker, Trading Places, Traumatized, Trophy Hunter, True Blue, Two Guns, Under The Boot, Untouched Wilderness, Varmint Hunter, View from the Top, Warrior, Well of Truth, Wellspring, What Once Was Lost, Whole Dome, Widowmaker, Wintertime Warrior, Wiresnipper, With Great Power, Wormfood, Wyrm Hunter, Wyrmsbane, Ziggurat Champion, Zoning Board