Level: 30 (J Circle) Classes: Dark Oppressor Defiler Mortal
Demon Lord in The Deadly Sins
Physical Description:
This is a huge dragon - at least twenty feet long from head to tail - who is covered in black scales with edges trimmed in gold. He has a mouthful of pearly, razor-sharp teeth and his red eyes glow with a tangible malice. He is wearing a Set of Jeweled Talons, a Ring of the Damned, a Circlet of the Blood Magi, a Pendant of Sins, a Runic Onyx Tail Ring, a Seal of Absolute Darkness, a Tome of Lost Souls, a Mark of Tlacolotl, and a Suit of Gothic Plate. His attire is marked with the symbol of Tlacolotl, the demonic Elder Power of Violence. A pair of great, leathery, bat-like wings sprout from his back.
Personal Description:
The Dragon of Tlacolotl and Prince of Uffern, Erduhr-Khazai is an ancient demon lord who advances the cause of his dark patron with fire and fury. Patient, cruel and fearsome, he seeks to put the fear of Stygia into the denizens of the other planes.
80s Action Hero, A Colder War, A Heaven of Hell, A New Chapter, Academic Probation, According to Their Works, Alcoholic, All In The Family, All Stitched Up, And I Must Scream, Apex Predator, Apprentice Carpenter, Apprentice Electrician, Architect, Archmage, Artifex, Artisan, Aspect Hunter, Assassin, At All Costs, Augmentor, Baraas Ascends, Barn Assassin, Barrier Free, Battering Ram, Benefactor, Bibliophile, Big Bad Wolf, Birthing Pool, Blackout, Blighter, Bloodbreaker, Bloodletter, Bodyweaver, Bonebreaker, Book of Martyrs, Bookworm, Booster, Broken Alliance, Broken Promises, Bruised, Bruiser, Burglar, Buried, Carousel Casualty, Cassandras Truth, Celestial Foe, Cemetery Monopolist, Circuitbreaker, Circumnavigation, Citadel, Cleanser, Clinging to Life, Cloudwatching, Club Feral, Coffinmakers Friend, Cognitive Dissonance, Color Guard, Common Touch, Constantly in Traction, Convenient, Cops and Robbers, Cromahl-Hult, Crushed, Crusher, Curse of the Pharaohs, Deader than Dead, Deadeye, Dedicated Few, Delver, Demonslayer, Director of Animal Testing, Disciple of Death, Divine Comedy, Doctor, Dogkiller, Dunes of Dust, Eagle Eyed, Earth Was Like a Marble, Enforcer, Enthroned, Eresius Rest, Eternal I Endure, Every Mountain Made Low, Executioner, Explosive Yield, Exterminator, Factory Foreman, Fall of the Watcher, Family Fun, Farseer, Fatigued, Favored of Baraas, First Responder, Fixer, Flag Warden, Flakes of Delight, Flushed!, Food Critic, Forgemaster, Forget All That, Four Corners, Fragmented Return, Frat Boy, Friend of Bill, Frost Fighter, Fusebreaker, Fusemaker, Gastronomist, Glutton, Going Up, Gourmand, Grandest of Slams, Gravemaker, Great Affliction, Great Devourer, Guinea Pig Herder, Gunshepherd, Gunslinger, Halls of the Scholar, Halls of Wrath, Hammer of Light, Handyman, Harbinger of Extinction, Healer, Hear Ye!, Hell is Other People, Herd Thinner, Heres Johnny, Hickok, High Roller, Homesteader, Homewrecker, I Have a Headache, I Stab at Thee, Idle Hands, Immutable Law, Impervious to Pain, In Memoriam, In The Name Of Science, Institute of Arts, Into the Dark, Iron Juggernaut, Jerry Rigger, Journeyman Blacksmith, Journeyman Carpenter, Journeyman Electrician, Keeping Healers in Business, Kenopsia, Killer, Landfall, Landshark, Last Confession, Librarian, Lich Pet, Lifesaver, Living the High Life, Love Eternal, Low Tolerance, Made to Last, Mage, Malaise, Mass Producer, Master Mechanic, Master of Death, Masterpiece, Masticator, Medic, Mender, Micro Manager, Monster Addict, Mystic, Mystic Gourmet, Netherland, Nightmare Whisperer, No Longer Boarding, Not a Drill, Not Safe, Opportunity Knocks, Oracle, Organ Grinder, Out of the Ash, Overeducated, Panacea, Perseverence of the Saints, Perverter, Pest Control, Pill-popper, Pink Elephant Rider, Plaguebringer, Pro Claimer, Punching Bag, Reader, Reaper, Reasons to Live, Receded Waters, Regulator, Remorse, Researcher, Riptide, Rising Tide, Rory Williams, Ruiner, Scavenger, Second-Story Man, Shape of Things to Come, Sharpshooter, Sinatra, Skipping Stones, Smasher, Spellbinder, Stolen Victory, Surgeon, Surgeons Lament, Sweatshop Worker, Tainted Fruit, Tapestry of Time, Taste of Dried Leaves, Taste Tester, Teachers Pet, Thaumaturgist, The Earth Shudders, The Legend, The Little King, The Nether Millstone, The Rise of Kafa-El, The Voice, They Shall Not Pass, Thief, This Place is Not a Place of Honor, Those Lost, Tinker, Titan of Industry, Trading Places, Trapped in a Bottle , Traumatized, Trophy Hunter, True Blue, Two Guns, Under The Boot, Ungrateful Guest, Untouched Wilderness, Varmint Hunter, View from the Top, Warrior, Well of Truth, Wellspring, What Once Was Lost, While The Iron Is Hot, Whole Dome, Widowmaker, Wild in the Woods, Wintertime Warrior, Wiresnipper, With Great Power, Woodworker, Wormfood, Wyrm Hunter