Feats Breath Total
Kills / Deaths
Kills 1071 1071
Angels Killed 50 50
Transcended Killed155155
Demons Killed 657 657
Minibosses Killed 00
Pets Killed 3438 3439
Deaths 344 345
Damage / Healing
Damage Dealt 120846 120846
Damage Taken 65523 65580
HP Healed 15 15
Items Crafted 7 7
Items Repaired 731 731
Infusion 15725 15725
Spells Cast 0 0
Buffs Granted 0 0
Debuffs Inflicted 1806 1806
Search & Consume
Alcohol Drunk 91 91
Food Eaten 187 187
Books Read 1146 1146
Pills Taken 18 18
Targets Shot 76 76
Items Found 1599 1599
Magical Items Consumed 1 1
Engineering & Lockpicking
Doors Destroyed 2121
Doors Repaired 1 1
Power Removed 5 5
Power Restored 0 0
Locks Picked 6 6
Lore Found 20
Total Achievements 14

William Butcher

Level: 30 (G Circle)
Classes: Infernal Behemoth Pariah Mortal
Physical Description:
This individual is extremely muscular, though shorter than the average man. His skin is thin and patchy. Small horns have grown out of his body at several joints. He is wearing a Silver Ring, a Floral Shirt, a Black Trenchcoat, a Pair of Black Jeans, a Pair of Black Combat Boots, a Pair of Polarized Sunglasses, and a Pair of Handcuffs. His body is covered in thick, black, organic-looking plates. He is exceptionally large, with massive knots of muscle.
Personal Description:
Character Skills
Engineering (Wiki)
Hide (Wiki)
Advanced Hide (Wiki)
Melee Combat (Wiki)
Advanced Melee Combat (Wiki)
Expert Melee Combat (Wiki)
Repair Item (Wiki)
Smithing (Wiki)
Mastersmith (Wiki)
Strength (Wiki)
Stamina (Wiki)
Infuse (Wiki)
Psychometry (Wiki)
Stygian Fury (Wiki)
Blooded Fury (Wiki)
Infernal Behemoth
Bloodlust (Wiki)
Adrenal Healing (Wiki)
Child of Tholaghru (Wiki)
Burning Aura (Wiki)
Unholy Aura (Wiki)
Hulking Brute (Wiki)
Fiendish Bulk (Wiki)
Rage Strike (Wiki)
Whip of Suffering (Wiki)
Whip of Anguish (Wiki)
Whip of Torment (Wiki)
Badges Earned:
A Curse Upon Ye, All Stitched Up, All Stitched Up, Aspect Hunter, Assassin, Assassin, Barn Assassin, Bibliophile, Blighter, Bloodletter, Bloodletter, Bonebreaker, Bookworm, Bounty Hunter, Bruised, Bruised, Buried, Cassandras Truth, City Planner, Cleanser, Cleanser, Club Feral, Cognitive Dissonance, Color Guard, Convenient, Crushed, Crushed, Crusher, Crusher, Curse of the Pharaohs, Delver, Delver, Demonslayer, Director of Animal Testing, Disaster Magnet, Disciple of Death, Dogkiller, Enforcer, Exorcist, Exterminator, Extinction Event, Family Fun, Fixer, Flag Warden, Flushed!, Forget All That, Frat Boy, Glutton, Going Up, Gourmand, Grandest of Slams, Gravemaker, Great Affliction, Great Leveler, Hammer of Light, Handyman, Hear Ye!, Herd Thinner, Homesteader, Homesteader, I Have a Headache, Justicebringer, Keeping Healers in Business, Killer, Killer, Librarian, Low Tolerance, Made to Last, Malaise, Mass Murderer, Master of Death, Mender, No Longer Boarding, Not a Drill, Not Safe, Opportunity Knocks, Organ Grinder, Perverter, Pest Control, Plaguebringer, Pro Claimer, Pro Claimer, Punching Bag, Punching Bag, Reader, Reaper, Regulator, Remodeler, Rising Tide, Ruiner, Scavenger, Scholar, Scrounger, Sharpshooter, Skipping Stones, Smasher, Smasher, Standard Bearer, Surgeons Lament, Taste Tester, Teachers Pet, Tenured, They Shall Not Pass, This Place is Not a Place of Honor, Tinker, Trading Places, Trophy Hunter, True Blue, Two Guns, Warrior, Wellspring, Whole Dome, Widowmaker, With Great Power, Wormfood

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Original Nexus War classes, powers, and lore copyright 2003 - 2010 Brandon Harris (bharris@gaijin.com), used with permission.

Site homepage artwork copyright 2017 Acaisha Buffo (www.deviantart.com/akithefrivolicious).

Raid ticker icons by Lorc (lorcblog.blogspot.com/) and Delapouite (delapouite.com) at game-icons.net .

Skill, spell, and other icons by: AvgustaLina, SmallANIKI, N-Hance Studios, Poneti, WenRexa, and CraftPix.net, used under licenses acquired through gamedevmarket.net, assetstore.unity.com, itch.io, and craftpix.net .

Pet icons produced and published by Megatiles with artist credits to Kodots Games Studio.