Feats Breath Total
Kills / Deaths
Kills 0 0
Angels Killed 0 0
Transcended Killed00
Demons Killed 0 0
Minibosses Killed 00
Pets Killed 0 0
Deaths 85 271
Damage / Healing
Damage Dealt 0 0
Damage Taken 5126 15248
HP Healed 15 15
Items Crafted 27 27
Items Repaired 16 16
Infusion 0 0
Spells Cast 0 0
Buffs Granted 0 0
Debuffs Inflicted 0 0
Search & Consume
Alcohol Drunk 432 545
Food Eaten 71 194
Books Read 327 346
Pills Taken 34 134
Targets Shot 26 26
Items Found 0 0
Magical Items Consumed 0 0
Engineering & Lockpicking
Doors Destroyed 12
Doors Repaired 6 6
Power Removed 100 100
Power Restored 97 97
Locks Picked 0 0
Lore Found 50
Total Achievements 1

a swimming cat

Level: 23
Classes: Conduit Sorcerer Mortal
Physical Description:
This young olive-skinned woman's hair has gone shock-white and her eyes appear to have lost most of the color in the irises. She is wearing an One-Piece Swimsuit, a Towel, a Pirate Hat, and a Suit of Rusty Armor.
Personal Description:
It's the cat that swims! Well, once it swam. Robbed of its one and only joy, the singular activity that brought meaningfulness to its bizarre existence within the Nexus, the swimming cat has turned to booze and long periods lost to the void. It is occasionally sighted haunting the shores of Ash Harbor; one more forsaken and forgotten denizen of the dark and briny deep.
Character Skills
Dodge (Wiki)
Evasion (Wiki)
Engineering (Wiki)
First Aid (Wiki)
Repair Item (Wiki)
Bowyer (Wiki)
Master Bowyer (Wiki)
Tap Font (Wiki)
Alchemy (Wiki)
Cosmic Affinity (Wiki)
Heal Self (Wiki)
Mystic Vigor (Wiki)
Sorcerers Might (Wiki)
Spellcraft (Wiki)
Transcension (Wiki)
Code of Efficiency (Wiki)
Rule of Design (Wiki)
Portal Cleaving (Wiki)
Wisp Form (Wiki)
Spells Known
IconSpell NameSummaryMP
BlurBuff Spell5 MP
Ice DartAutohit: 4 cold3 MP
Badges Earned:
A Colder War, A Heaven of Hell, A New Chapter, Academic Probation, According to Their Works, Alcoholic, All In The Family, All Stitched Up, And I Must Scream, Apprentice Electrician, Aspect Hunter, At All Costs, Baraas Ascends, Barn Assassin, Birthing Pool, Bloodbreaker, Book of Martyrs, Bookworm, Broken Alliance, Broken Promises, Bruised, Buried, Cabinet of Curiosities, Cassandras Truth, Circuitbreaker, Circumnavigation, Citadel, Clinging to Life, Cloudwatching, Club Feral, Cognitive Dissonance, Convenient, Cops and Robbers, Crushed, Cut Loose, Dedicated Few, Divine Comedy, Dunes of Dust, Duty and Honor, Earth Was Like a Marble, Enthroned, Eternal I Endure, Every Mountain Made Low, Explosive Yield, Fall of the Watcher, Fallen Land, Family Fun, Fighting the Last War, Flushed!, Forget All That, Four Corners, Fragmented Return, Frat Boy, Fusebreaker, Fusemaker, Glutton, Going Up, Gourmand, Grandest of Slams, Halls of the Scholar, Halls of Wrath, Hear Ye!, Hell is Other People, I Have a Headache, I Stab at Thee, Idle Hands, In Memoriam, In The Name Of Science, Institute of Arts, Into the Dark, Iron Juggernaut, Kenopsia, Last Bastion, Last Confession, Librarian, Living the High Life, Love Eternal, Low Tolerance, Made to Last, Moving Day, No Longer Boarding, Not a Drill, Not Safe, Out of the Ash, Perseverence of the Saints, Pill-popper, Punching Bag, Read the Fine Print, Reader, Reasons to Live, Receded Waters, Remorse, Return to Sender, Rising Tide, Shape of Things to Come, Sinatra, Skipping Stones, Stolen Victory, Sweatshop Worker, Tapestry of Time, Taste of Dried Leaves, Taste Tester, The Earth Shudders, The Legend, The Little King, The Mind of Madness, The Nether Millstone, The Rise of Kafa-El, The Voice, They Shall Not Pass, This Place is Not a Place of Honor, Those Lost, Tinker, Trading Places, True Blue, Two Guns, Under The Boot, Untouched Wilderness, Well of Truth, Wellspring, What Once Was Lost, While The Iron Is Hot, Whole Dome, Wild in the Woods, Wiresnipper, With Great Power, Wormfood

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Original Nexus War classes, powers, and lore copyright 2003 - 2010 Brandon Harris (bharris@gaijin.com), used with permission.

Site homepage artwork copyright 2017 Acaisha Buffo (www.deviantart.com/akithefrivolicious).

Raid ticker icons by Lorc (lorcblog.blogspot.com/) and Delapouite (delapouite.com) at game-icons.net .

Skill, spell, and other icons by: AvgustaLina, SmallANIKI, N-Hance Studios, Poneti, WenRexa, and CraftPix.net, used under licenses acquired through gamedevmarket.net, assetstore.unity.com, itch.io, and craftpix.net .

Pet icons produced and published by Megatiles with artist credits to Kodots Games Studio.