Feats Breath Total
Kills / Deaths
Kills 939 1115
Angels Killed 118 148
Transcended Killed3939
Demons Killed 87 113
Minibosses Killed 00
Pets Killed 1094 1204
Deaths 594 663
Damage / Healing
Damage Dealt 138317 148844
Damage Taken 62857 68295
HP Healed 52 72
Items Crafted 8 8
Items Repaired 0 10
Infusion 2254 2254
Spells Cast 0 0
Buffs Granted 0 0
Debuffs Inflicted 238 238
Search & Consume
Alcohol Drunk 1059 1059
Food Eaten 932 934
Books Read 404 1001
Pills Taken 26 31
Targets Shot 1030 1032
Items Found 2168 2168
Magical Items Consumed 84 84
Engineering & Lockpicking
Doors Destroyed 9951000
Doors Repaired 0 5
Power Removed 0 11
Power Restored 0 3
Locks Picked 0 1
Lore Found 50
Total Achievements 18


Level: 30 (H Circle)
Classes: Void Walker Pariah Mortal
Deliverator in Infopocalypse
Physical Description:
You neither hear nor see anyone here, but when your surroundings are quiet you hear soft footsteps which always and only come from behind you. In mirrors or the corner of your eye, you occasionally catch glimpses of a savage, snarling figure with huge white eyes and dirty, matted hair. He is wearing a Blue Rose Pin, a Grimy Sleeveless T-Shirt, a Shamanic Face Mask, a Bespoke Suit Jacket, a Muzzle, a Pair of Bandoliers, a Suit of Frozen Armor, and a Pair of Leather Boots. He has painted his body with woad, giving his skin a blue color.
Personal Description:
In the beginning, like so many of us, Stoopkid was just a baby... a baby left mysteriously on the stoop of that very building. Some say he was abandoned there, others say he was dropped there from the sky by aliens, still others say that he grew from a seed lodged between the cracks of the sidewalk. Whatever the reason, lo and behold, tiny Stoopkid was left to raise himself on the stoop which he was fated to call his home. As he grew, he came to know and love his stoop as his only family.
Character Skills
Dodge (Wiki)
Evasion (Wiki)
Advanced Dodge (Wiki)
Hide (Wiki)
Advanced Hide (Wiki)
Ranged Combat (Wiki)
Archery (Wiki)
Advanced Archery (Wiki)
Sense Morality (Wiki)
Strength (Wiki)
Stamina (Wiki)
Tap Font (Wiki)
Tap Ley Line (Wiki)
Feast on Suffering (Wiki)
Hellfire (Wiki)
Hellspawn (Wiki)
Stygian Fury (Wiki)
Blooded Fury (Wiki)
Void Walker
Bow of Frostbite (Wiki)
Sniper of the Creeping Chill (Wiki)
Enhanced Senses (Wiki)
Initiate of the Shadow (Wiki)
Adept of the Shadow (Wiki)
Invisibility (Wiki)
Mark of the Assassin (Wiki)
Assassins Edge (Wiki)
Stepping of the Corner (Wiki)
Ether Stepping (Wiki)
Stepping of the World Gate (Wiki)
Stepping of the Stone (Wiki)
Badges Earned:
A Colder War, A Heaven of Hell, A New Chapter, Academic Probation, According to Their Works, Aims to Please, Alcoholic, All In The Family, All Stitched Up, And I Must Scream, Aspect Hunter, Assassin, At All Costs, Barn Assassin, Base Camp, Battering Ram, Bibliophile, Big Bad Wolf, Binge Drinker, Birthing Pool, Blighter, Bloodbreaker, Bloodletter, Bonebreaker, Book of Martyrs, Bookworm, Broken Alliance, Broken Promises, Bruised, Buried, Carousel Casualty, Cassandras Truth, Circumnavigation, Citadel, Cleanser, Clinging to Life, Cloudwatching, Club Feral, Cognitive Dissonance, Collector, Color Guard, Convenient, Cops and Robbers, Crushed, Crusher, Deadeye, Dedicated Few, Delver, Demonslayer, Director of Animal Testing, Disaster Magnet, Disciple of Death, Divine Comedy, Dogkiller, Dunes of Dust, Earth Was Like a Marble, Enforcer, Enthroned, Eternal I Endure, Every Mountain Made Low, Explosive Yield, Exterminator, Extinction Event, Family Fun, Fatality, Flushed!, Forget All That, Four Corners, Fragmented Return, Frat Boy, Friend of Bill, Glutton, Going Up, Gourmand, Grandest of Slams, Gravemaker, Great Affliction, Gunslinger, Halls of Wrath, Hammer of Light, Hear Ye!, Hell is Other People, Herd Thinner, Heres Johnny, Hickok, Homesteader, Homewrecker, I Have a Headache, I Stab at Thee, In Memoriam, In The Name Of Science, Into the Dark, Iron Juggernaut, Keeping Healers in Business, Kenopsia, Killer, Landshark, Last Confession, Librarian, Lich Pet, Love Eternal, Low Tolerance, Made to Last, Malaise, Master of Death, Masticator, Nightmare Whisperer, No Longer Boarding, Not a Drill, Not Safe, Opportunity Knocks, Organ Grinder, Out of the Ash, Perseverence of the Saints, Perverter, Pest Control, Pro Claimer, Punching Bag, Quartermaster, Reader, Reaper, Reasons to Live, Receded Waters, Remorse, Researcher, Rising Tide, Ruiner, Scavenger, Scrounger, Shape of Things to Come, Sharpshooter, Sinatra, Skipping Stones, Smasher, Stolen Victory, Surgeons Lament, Tapestry of Time, Taste of Dried Leaves, Taste Tester, Teachers Pet, The Earth Shudders, The Legend, The Little King, The Nether Millstone, The Voice, They Shall Not Pass, This Place is Not a Place of Honor, Those Lost, Tinker, Trading Places, Trigger Happy, Trophy Hunter, True Blue, Twelve Staggering Steps, Two Guns, Under The Boot, Untouched Wilderness, Warrior, Wellspring, What Once Was Lost, While The Iron Is Hot, Whole Dome, Widowmaker, Wild in the Woods, Wiresnipper, With Great Power, World Eater, Wormfood

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Original Nexus War classes, powers, and lore copyright 2003 - 2010 Brandon Harris (bharris@gaijin.com), used with permission.

Site homepage artwork copyright 2017 Acaisha Buffo (www.deviantart.com/akithefrivolicious).

Raid ticker icons by Lorc (lorcblog.blogspot.com/) and Delapouite (delapouite.com) at game-icons.net .

Skill, spell, and other icons by: AvgustaLina, SmallANIKI, N-Hance Studios, Poneti, WenRexa, and CraftPix.net, used under licenses acquired through gamedevmarket.net, assetstore.unity.com, itch.io, and craftpix.net .

Pet icons produced and published by Megatiles with artist credits to Kodots Games Studio.